Social Media Flyer

Social Media Flyer

2015 Social Media Flyer for Merion Matters Inc.

Insurance Advertisement

Insurance Advertisement

Freelance for Willis Global Risk Advisor, Insurance and Reinsurance Broker, 2010

Limoncello Bottle Label

Limoncello Bottle Label

For family limoncello brand, 2011

Advertorial: Status Solutions

Advertorial: Status Solutions

ADVANCE for Long-term Care, March / April 2012

San Antonio City Guide

San Antonio City Guide

ADVANCE for Administrators of the Laboratory, Interactive PDF

Best of Blogs

Best of Blogs

ADVANCE for Administrators of the Laboratory, Interactive PDF

Riverside Cafe Menu

Riverside Cafe Menu

Riverside Cafe at Dycusburg Grocery

6 Solutions for Savings

6 Solutions for Savings

Executive Insight